BBC عربي

رند جارالله تستخدم مساحيق التجميل لتدعم حقوق المرأة

تعتبر رند جارالله وجههَا لوحة الرسم الخاصة بها، فهي تستخدم مساحيق التجميل لتخط رسوماتٍ تدعم حقوق المرأة
كما تتحدى ابنة الرابعة والعشرين عاماً القيود المجتمعية، وتتحدث عن قضايا مسكوت عنها كما تكسر الصورة النمطية عن أدوات التجميل أو معايير الجمال للنساء
تروي رند كيف تبدل مفهوم الجمال والتجمل في حياتها في التقرير

Vogue Arabia

This Palestinian Activist Uses Makeup Tutorials to Raise Awareness

“I absolutely love makeup,” says Rand Jarallah, speaking to Vogue Arabia. “It’s my medium to create things,” adds the activist. 

The new york times

Powerful video shows battered woman reverse the effects of domestic violence

The woman depicted in the video is Palestinian artist and activist Rand Jarallah, who is known for using her face as a canvas to draw attention to social issues. For this video, all of the wounds were created using makeup. “Makeup can be used as a form of art to empower people, because, you know what, art is unlimited — and so is our creativity.” Jarallah is one of the women profiled in the series.

Marie Claire

How one Palestinian activist is using makeup to raise awareness of global crises

She's only 24 years old, but Rand Jarallah has already teamed up with the United Nations Population Fund to use beauty as a means of campaigning for women's rights Ahead of the world's inaugural Refugee Summit on the 19th September.


Activist Confronts Social Issues with Makeup

Palestinian activist and makeup artist Rand Jarallah uses her face as a canvas to confront anorexia, child marriage, military occupation, natural disasters, gender-based violence and environmental destruction.

The Washington Post

This startling video portrays a battered woman reversing the effects of domestic abuse

The video portrays a woman, bruised and battered, with blood leaking from her nose.

She closes her eyes tight, squeezing out a tear, and words flash across the screen: “Violence against women is one of the most prevalent human rights violations. One in three women will experience violence in their lifetime.”

Then the scene runs in rewind — showing her erasing signs of abuse from her face.

“We must reverse this trend,” it reads.


Ending violence in 16 days: United Nations agency shows shocking advert of woman using makeup to show violence

"Make-up can be used as a form of art to empower people, because, you know what, art is unlimited – and so is our creativity," she said.


Palestinians Who Leave Their Mark

Rand Jarallah is an artist and activist who uses makeup as her preferred medium of expression. Born and raised in Palestine, she grew up with conflict as a daily experience. From an early age, she found her outlet and relief from living under occupation in art. 


Makeup artist raising awareness for human rights

Artist/activist Rand Jarallah is putting a new face on human rights activism.

Cultura Colectiva +

Rand Jarallah: The Palestinian Artist Who Turned Makeup Into Activism

“Her makeup looks are both impressive and hard to look at.

As a young woman, a person of color, and a Palestinian, Rand Jarallah’s “artivism” is not only worth following, but also necessary. She gives a voice and a face to issues that are not being addressed as urgently as they should, proving once more you don’t need a lot to speak up for the causes you believe in.”


رند جار الله تحول مساحيق التجميل الى فن يعبر عن قضايا انسانية

إن حبها لفن التجميل ولفن المكياج السينمائي دفعها لأن تدخل تحدي المئة يوم من المكياج والذي تطلب منها نشر صورة كل يوم بفن مكياج مخلتف، لتسلط الضوء من خلال فن المكياج القصصي على مواضيع إنسانية واجتماعية


Rand Jarallah a Palestinian artivist (an artist and activist) is trying to raise awareness about sensitive social issues through her art. She uses makeup products instead of traditional art materials to show that makeup can portray women's realities instead of camouflaging themselves to look as beautiful as society expects them to be.



自分を「アーティビスト」と形容するRand Jarallahさんは、メイクの新しい可能性に挑戦しました。

第一弾で紹介するのはRand Jarallahさん。彼女は自分の顔をキャンバスとして利用し、SNSを中心に様々な社会問題を訴えている。


Muses & Visionaries

Impact: Beauty by design
Page 117

Growing up, beauty standards were always shoved in my face: how thin I should be, how tanned or fair, no acne, no dark circles, perfect skin, basically a photoshopped version of myself.


"رنديستيك".. عندما يستخدم الفنان وجهه كلوحة تعبيرية 

“Randisitic” تعني "Rand" + "Artisitc"

، هي بالفعل فنانة، استطاعت أن تجعل من مساحيق التجميل ألواناً ومن وجهها لوحة فنية! تقول رند في حديث خاص أجرته "مراسلة الحدث" معها: قصدت أن أربط اسمي بالفن، فمنذ صغري وأنا أعشف الرسم وكتابة الشعر والنثر، وباستخدام "الفن" أستطيع أن أوصل أفكاري في محاولة انتقادية بناءة لظواهر معينة،  فالفن برأيي يمكن أن يحمل مسؤولية اجتماعية صعبة،  فأحملها بتعابير وجهي المرسومة