Suicidal Thoughts

“Darker emotions may well put on the mask of quite unworldly things,” said Sylvia Plath.

You know what really sucks?

Suicidal thoughts...

But no one ever talks about it.

It’s too scary,

too uncomfortable,

too taboo.

It’s tricky.

Suicidal thoughts don’t necessarily mean suicidal attempts, those two do not always go hand in hand

Suicidal thoughts sound something like:

“I wish I could die”

“I wish this could all end”

“Maybe it’ll all be easier if I wasn’t alive”

You get the point.

On the other hand, suicidal attempts are carefully crafted plans that are acted upon in an attempt to end one’s life.

So if we were to simplify it: suicidal thoughts are, well, only thoughts. Suicidal attempts are action oriented.

What we are really seeking through both is a sense of relief. But you see, relief is a feeling, and feelings require us to be alive in order to feel them. 

When we have suicidal thoughts, it doesn’t necessarily mean that we want to die, it just means that our pain threshold and our pain coping resources are out of balance.

To rebalance the scale we need to either increase our pain coping resources or decrease our source of pain. I just wanted to break it down because when we’re in the suicidal thought cloud things can seem pretty gloomy and detrimental, when all you really need to know is this: Rebalance.



This is not the end.


The world cares that you’re still here.


You will get better.

Wipe your tears.

Reach out.

Trust me when I say this, you are not alone.


Seek help. 


You don’t want to go, you just want the pain to end... and it will.

Check out the resources I’ve gathered below on the topic of suicidal thoughts.







